Tips & Ideas for Better Home Safety
German Shepherd Guard Dog Training
This article written by the Pet Care RX team, explains the six major steps on how to train a German Shepherd to be an effective guard dog. The team emphasized that such dogs should first be friendly, stable, and well-socialized, even before the training starts. Dog owners are being strongly advised to start the training while the German Shepherd is still a puppy, and as much as possible, enroll it in an obedience class. Aside from the dog training tips, the post also provided some suggestions on how pet owners can have full control over their guard dogs.
Outdoor Firepit and Chimenea Safety from This Old House
If you are going to enjoy a backyard fire pit or a chiminea, be sure that you take proper precautions to ensure your safety, as well as that of your family and friends. Proper placement is one of the keys to staying safe, and you will also find out why you should have water or sand handy. A fire extinguisher should also be kept nearby, as well as a cell phone in case the fire spreads.
The Home Safety and Security Network
This is a British site and so many of the specific programs are aimed at a British audience. There are a large number of articles on this site, however, which apply universally to home safety and the protection of your loved ones. There are articles on General Safety in the home, falls, burns and scalds, carbon monoxide poisoning, dangerous chemicals in the home and how to treat chemical accidents, choking and how to save a person who has something caught in their windpipe, clothing fire, how to put it out and how to treat it, do-it-yourself accidents in the home, drowning and what you can do to save someone's life, problems and dangers associated with electrical blankets, how do deal with accidents caused by fireworks, how to prevent and treat bicycle accidents and more. There are also links to additional home security and safety sites.
Giant Bean Bag Chairs and Safety Issues
Giant bean bag chairs are a popular decorative feature in modern homes, but they can be hazardous to young children. Discover what you need to be on the lookout for, as well as information about product recalls in the mid-1990's. This site provides information about industry standards for big bean bag chairs, as well as safety tips for consumers.
Home Security Checklist
This site by the Sacramento County, California Sheriff gives you an excellent checklist for securing your home, but most importantly, to make you aware of steps you can take to discourage a burglar from targeting your home in the first place. It is a literal checklist with Yes and No checkboxes. Every No checkbox is an item you should probably put down on a priority list to take some action. The checklist is divided into the following categories to make it easier for you to draw up a plan of action: Exterior Doors, Garage and Sliding Door, Protecting Windows, Outdoor Security, Security When Away from Home, and Outdoor Valuables and Personal Property. Taking Outdoor Security as an example, the items are: shrubs and bushes are trimmed to there's no place to hide; no dark areas around the house, garage or yard where prowlers can hide; every outside door has a bright working light to illuminate visitors; floodlights are used appropriates; lights are on in the evening whether someone is home or not and motion-sensitive lighting is installed; and finally, the house number is clearly displayed so police and emergency vehicles can quickly find you.
Carbon Monoxide Toolkit by the CPSC
Carbon monoxide, also known as "CO", is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of solid, liquid and gaseous fuel. Therefore, any fuel-burning appliance in your home is a potential CO source. When appliances are kept in good working condition, they produce little CO. Improperly operating appliances can produce fatal CO concentrations in your home. In addition, using charcoal indoors or running a car in an attached garage can also cause deadly CO poisoning in your home. This informative resource by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) site advises people never to burn charcoal inside their home or garage, never leave a car running in an attached garage, not to use gasoline powered tools, and to invest in a carbon monoxide detectors. A carbon monoxide question and answer section with press releases, articles and more tips are available.
EPA Safe Home Guide
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website provides tips for home safety, avoiding potential risks, and preventing pollution by recycling and conserving water and energy. Includes actions you can take to reduce lead in drinking water, using conservation to have cleaner water, drinking water information for health, information about private drinking water wells, tap water safety, asbestos, indoor air quality, flood cleanup, reducing radon risks, secondhand smoke, pesticide, bio-pesticides, ten tips to protect children from pesticide and lead poisonings, ultraviolet radiation, household cleanser safety, recycling, buying an energy efficient home, heating and cooling systems, natural landscaping, hidden hazards of backyard burning, and composting.